Friday, May 14, 2010

Flying by Human Power; Thunder by Noon

human flight

Image courtesy of John Lund / Blend Images/Getty Images

Last night I had one of those flying dreams. I typically love them and this was true for all the same reasons. Atypically, my wife was also in this one. It had a very Avatar feel in that the trees were so tall or floating on huge chunks of rock. Occasionally there were stickers in the limbs of some of the weeping willow type branches which I did not realize until gliding through them. It was a full color dream. Somehow my wife was being carried underneath me in some type of shelter or my fingers were extra long. I could never clearly see or don't remember what the contraption was. Typically the flight is the result of some kind of mind control or physics trick I am doing; but in this dream is was just gliding/flying--nothing required but choosing direction. Not many clouds but the sky was clear blue with an occasional mist. It was nice having her along; but I would have preferred us flying together. I still have no idea what the dream meant or if it meant anything.

Flying dreams always leave me energized but relaxed. There is something about the freedom and the power to defy gravity and the limits of normal men…yeah I know how that sounds. Sometimes I am convinced that we as humans can do many things but have forgotten or haven't discovered how to do. This dream ended like so many others — the alarm clock. I can't wait for the next dream.

Image courtesy of Chris Jacobs

I have just come in from watching the storm moving through Nashville. The lightning is divine. I wish I could be flying up there with it. I have always loved storms. I can only remember once being terrified growing up of a storm that shook the house everytime the thunder rolled. Other than then, I am always awonder, observing from some window.

Image courtesy of Eye